The HND specialty Midwifery aims to train of occupational health with a mission to accompany the pregnant women throughout their pregnancy, the establishment of the diagnosis until the day of the delivery, to animate the sessions of preparation for childbirth and ensure only the childbirth, to deal with the new-born and if necessary to perform the gestures of resuscitation and monitor the recovery of the mother. The midwife ensures the gynecological of women (prescription and install contraceptives, perineal reduction and drug IVG).
Generic skills
– Be responsible, reflexive and relational ;
– Have adequate gestures and capacities;
– Develop adequate interpersonal and intrapersonal skills to be able to interact effectively with their patients, entourage and the health team
– Should be trustworthy and reliable;
– Have the capacity for critical thinking, analysis and questioning;
– Develop ethical values of a normal professional;
– Make thoughtful and informed decisions;
– Be able to act with autonomy and responsibility in his area ofcompetence.
– Master the computer tool and ICT
Specific Skills
– Ensure the family planning with women wishing to maternity leave;
– Driving a prenatal consultation;
– Organize and facilitate a collective meeting in preparation for the birth and the kinship;
– Ensure an emergency consultation for abdominal pain during the 3rd quarter of pregnancy;
– Take charge of the pregnancy as soon as the design up to the issuance and after childbirth;
– Diagnose and monitor the work, achieve the birth and monitor its suites;
– Practice the clinical examination of the mother and of the new-born;
– Achieve a consultation of contraception and gynecological and prevention;
– Public Service;
– Private hospitals and clinics;
– NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations);
– Self-employment;
– The agri-food sector;
– Occupational Medicine;
– Research and Training;
– PMI.