The overall goal of the program is to produce a competent and professional health manager who will improve the health workforce, workplace and health resources for the use of health care consumers.


Generic skills
– Be responsible, reflexive and relational ;
– Have adequate gestures and capacities;
– Develop adequate interpersonal and intrapersonal skills to be able to interact effectively with their patients, entourage and the health team
– Should be trustworthy and reliable;
– Have the capacity for critical thinking, analysis and questioning;
– Develop ethical values of a normal professional;
– Make thoughtful and informed decisions;
– Be able to act with autonomy and responsibility in his area of competence.
– Master the computer tool and ICT

Specific skills
On successful completion of the program, the student will have acquired the knowledge, attitudes and skills which will enable them to:
– Apply knowledge and skills from all fields of management, concepts of management and management processes in health care units and services.
– Demonstrate professional accountability, leadership and management abilities in the provision of ethically & legally acceptable managerial functions.
– Provide culturally sensitive, evidence-based and quality health care management to the service or institution using management processes & theories.
– Be able to develop and run projects for the promotion of quality health care.

– Public Service;
– Private hospitals and clinics;
– NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations);
– Self-employment;
– Medicine of work;